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About Us

About Kitwood Hill Models:

The company was formed in 2011 and started trading Jan 27th 2012.

I went full time on Kitwood in 2018 - this is my day job. The business has been growing steadily year on year.- big thanks to all my customers :)

A bit about the Proprietor:

As a kid I "discovered" model railways from an old Triang catalog while collecting for a Scout jumble sale.  Before long I was the proud owner of a Hornby OO layout. By age 15 I had progressed to a respectable attempt in OO gauge of GWR's Cornish branch terminus at Helston....just about the same time I discovered girls. Helston never got finished!

In the 1990s and I re-connected with my passion for railways. My interests had moved from GWR to Narrow Gauge and I built a series of 009 layouts. In 2000 I moved upscale to O scale, dabbled with 0-16.5 for a while, and then came On30. Big trees, big scenery, I was hooked and have been ever since.

Today, I am part of an On30 modular group, The Surrey and Sussex Black Sheep, and the bulk of my modelling is modular based - in On30, US O gauge, and UK O scale.

Simon Cox

Kitwood Hill Models